Bible Quiz) Nicodemus and Jesus Story

[Bible Quiz] 

How Can We Get to Heaven?

Late at night, the Jewish official Nicodemus visited Jesus and asked a question. (John 3:1-6)

Jesus, how can I get to heaven?

You have to be born again.

I have to be born again?

Do you mean that I have to enter to my mother's womb and be born again?

It is not that, you must be born again with water and the Holy Spirit.

In other words, to be born again with water and the Holy Spirit means to be born again through the Word of God and receive the Spirit of God and be born again as a child of God (1 Peter 1:23).

We must be born again as the seed of God and be born as the child of God to enter heaven!

The Spirit of God comes only to those who are born  again by the word of God.(Mat 3:16)

The Holy Spirit came to Jesus because He was born again by the word of God.
