Bible Quiz) When Can We Meet God?

[Bible Quiz]
When Can We Meet God?

  • In John 1:1 speaks of that the word is God.
  • In Acts 8:25-40 speaks of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch in this meeting God (Jesus) was revealed to the Eunuch.
  • In Proverbs 16:9 speaks that in man's heart he plans his course, but God guides our steps.
  • In Isaiah 55:6-7 speaks that we seek the lord while he may be found call on him while he is near.
  • In Daniel 12:8-9 speaks of end of times, Daniel heart but cannot understand. God replied words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. (※ John 16:25)
  • In Psalms 43:3 speaks of light and truth to guide to the holy Zion mountain in Revelation 14:1, to the place God and Jesus dwells, and brings us to 'the temple of the tabernacle of testimony' in Revelation 15:5. (※ At the Second Coming of Jesus) 
  • In John 1:4 speaks of being life in God's word which is the light of the world.
  • In John 17:17 speaks of sanctifying by truth and the God's word is truth.

We can meet God through the Words in the Bible.
Even though we establish lots of plans in our hearts, God is the one who leads our steps.
Thus, we have to focus on the words of our Lord. Then we can find God or get closer to Him. 

The answer lies in the Bible where prophecies have been fulfilled, as God said.~!

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  1. I think this moment when you come across this article is when you meet God.


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