Bible Quiz) Census After Exodus

[Bible Quiz]
The Census After Coming Out of Egypt

All who were able to Go to War

Bible Quiz 1) Where did Moses count everyone who is over the age of 20 and could fight in a battle in Israel during the Old Testament, as the Lord had commanded?  Where?

Bible Quiz 1 is too easy, right?

This time, it's Bible Quiz 2.

Bible Quiz 2) In the Old Testament Israel, who was in charge of counting everyone who is over the age of 20 and could fight in a battle? 

The answer is in the Bible

  • You and Aaron are to number by their divisions all the men in Israel twenty years old or more who are able to serve in the army. (Num1:3)
  • These were the men counted by Moses and Aaron and the twelve leaders of Israel, each one representing his family. (Num1:44)
  • as the LORD commanded Moses. And so he counted them in the Desert of Sinai: (Num 1:19)

※ If this happens to the 12 tribes even today, who will count?

Shincheonji Chairman, Man Hee Lee Quotes πŸ’¬

This world ​will come to an end according ​to the prophecies ​of the ​Bible, ​and ​​God’s ​new kingdom ​has ​also ​been ​re-created according to ​the Bible. I ​believe that we, ​Shincheonji, know ​this work and that all of ​us know up ​to where ​the ​prophecies ​​of ​the New ​Covenant ​Revelation ​are ​being fulfilled. At ​this time, because ​Shincheonji is one ​family born ​of God’s seed, ......
- Our Kingdom and People, Love, and Protection -

Today, when Revelation is being fulfilled, if you are curious about how and how much the promise of Revelation has been fulfilled, click the link below to apply for free Bible study!
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πŸ’¬ Shincheonji Chairman, Mr. Man Hee Lee Quotes πŸ’¬

What ​​is ​it that ​the ​pastors ​hope ​for at the ​time of the ​second coming, when ​Jesus‘ new ​covenant, that is, the New Testament, ​is fulfilled? Is ​it not ​the ​promised ​​pastor ​and the ​kingdom ​of ​heaven ​that have been ​promised in the ​New Covenant Revelation?

Recently, the ​promised pastor of the New Testament ​of Shincheonji testified ​all of ​the ​events ​​of ​all the ​chapters ​of ​Revelation ​through the 12 ​tribe leaders( Now ​it is the ​pastors’ turn ​to verify and believe. Even still ​not believing is ​proof that ​they ​are ​​carrying ​out false ​lives ​of ​faith, ​and it is ​proof that they ​are false pastors. ​Those who ​have truly been born of God’s ​seed believed in ​all of ​this ​testimony. ​​Of ​which seed ​have ​the ​pastors ​been born? Heaven ​and hell are ​right before our ​eyes. The ​12 disciples in spirit and flesh ​judge (Ref. Mt ​19:28). I ​mean, ​according ​​to ​the promise ​in ​the ​New ​Testament the Bible.
(※ Mt 19:28  Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.)

Shincheonji taught the ​elementary, intermediate, and ​advanced courses ​at the mission centers, and [its ​members] rigorously and ​repeatedly take ​sealing ​confirmation ​​exams. ​These are ​exams ​to ​confirm ​whether they have ​been born of ​God’s seed, and ​also whether they have engraved God‘s law—the new ​covenant Revelation—on their ​hearts so ​that ​they ​​can ​read it ​while ​running. ​One ​cannot enter the ​kingdom of heaven ​with faith that ​pays lip ​service or with false faith.

- The Second Coming and the Promise of the New Testament -
